永懷榮譽指揮 梁振漢 Liang Cheng-Han, Laureate Conductor (1927~2008)
梁振漢老師畢業於海軍專科學校及政工幹校,曾擔任海軍樂隊教官、隊長之職,並擔任指揮及編寫 工作。經常隨海軍敦睦艦隊出國訪問演奏,甚獲友邦好評,更於民國64、67年國慶閱兵大典兩度任三軍樂隊總指揮。梁老師於民國六十九年退役後便展開管樂教 育工作,曾任教於數所大專院校及高中管樂團,並多次帶團贏得全國音樂比賽首獎。除了教學與指揮的工作外,梁振漢老師也編寫樂曲,在軍中時曾編有數十首管樂 小品,另著有進行曲、組曲等數首,以及民國七十九年出版的『實用管樂曲集』;近期作品包括有全國音樂比賽指定曲“震撼進行曲”及2004年新作“茉莉花變奏曲”。
梁老師於民國97年逝世,享年82歲,綜觀梁老師一生,堅持在音樂領域貢獻心力;在海軍任內擔負敦睦邦交的重責大任,在退役後更擔負起國內的音樂教育發展工作,為國家培育出了許多的人才與棟樑,並持續為台灣拓展 文化外交、敦睦邦誼。梁老師終其一生,為國家犧牲奉獻,為青年學子樹立典範,而其堅守專業領域持續發光發熱的精神,實為國人之楷模。
有關梁老師更多的生平事蹟摘要,請參考【台灣管樂舵手 - 梁振漢老師】紀念部落格 http://blog.yam.com/twconcert
Maestro Cheng-Han Liang graduated from the Navy School of Music. After his graduation, he was invited to be a captain of the Navy Band and, at the same time, he also composed and transcribed pieces for that band. During his leadership on the band, he had led the group performing in many national events, especially including two times National Military Dress Parades for the National Day. Besides the early stage of his musical life in the military band, he devoted himself as a musical educator for many high schools, colleges, and universities. By his enthusiasm and efforts on the music education, Maestro Liang was treated as one of the pioneers in Taiwan's wind music history. As a composer, he had produced and transcribed numerous pieces in various styles, such as marches, suites and etc. The "Practical Pieces for Winds" is one of his most popular publications. His later compositions include the "Helmsman's March", "Variations on Jasmine", and "Shock Band March". All of them are received a high popularity among concert bands and musicians.
For the celebration of 20th Anniversary of Shock Concert Band, Maestro Liang led the band to a full-house performance at National Concert Hall of Taiwan. His great conducting skill and charming performance moved the audience in the entire concert. Maestro Liang passed away in 2008 in age of 82. We will always remember him in our hearts and cherish the memory of him. For more information about his lifetime achievements, please visit his memorial blog at http://blog.yam.com/twconcert
梁老師於民國97年逝世,享年82歲,綜觀梁老師一生,堅持在音樂領域貢獻心力;在海軍任內擔負敦睦邦交的重責大任,在退役後更擔負起國內的音樂教育發展工作,為國家培育出了許多的人才與棟樑,並持續為台灣拓展 文化外交、敦睦邦誼。梁老師終其一生,為國家犧牲奉獻,為青年學子樹立典範,而其堅守專業領域持續發光發熱的精神,實為國人之楷模。
有關梁老師更多的生平事蹟摘要,請參考【台灣管樂舵手 - 梁振漢老師】紀念部落格 http://blog.yam.com/twconcert
Maestro Cheng-Han Liang graduated from the Navy School of Music. After his graduation, he was invited to be a captain of the Navy Band and, at the same time, he also composed and transcribed pieces for that band. During his leadership on the band, he had led the group performing in many national events, especially including two times National Military Dress Parades for the National Day. Besides the early stage of his musical life in the military band, he devoted himself as a musical educator for many high schools, colleges, and universities. By his enthusiasm and efforts on the music education, Maestro Liang was treated as one of the pioneers in Taiwan's wind music history. As a composer, he had produced and transcribed numerous pieces in various styles, such as marches, suites and etc. The "Practical Pieces for Winds" is one of his most popular publications. His later compositions include the "Helmsman's March", "Variations on Jasmine", and "Shock Band March". All of them are received a high popularity among concert bands and musicians.
For the celebration of 20th Anniversary of Shock Concert Band, Maestro Liang led the band to a full-house performance at National Concert Hall of Taiwan. His great conducting skill and charming performance moved the audience in the entire concert. Maestro Liang passed away in 2008 in age of 82. We will always remember him in our hearts and cherish the memory of him. For more information about his lifetime achievements, please visit his memorial blog at http://blog.yam.com/twconcert
團長 孟義超 Super Meng, President
1983年進入中正高中,參加由梁振漢老師及李永聰老師指導的管樂社,主修長笛,兩度參加雙十國慶閱兵大典,率領管樂社獲得中正高中有史以來第一個省賽優等。畢業後進入文化大學戲劇系,展現優異的藝文素養與創作能量,發表過「酸甜番薯」、「人事件」、「酸甜番薯2 - 尋找世紀末台灣知識份子」等創作,並編寫多首競選歌曲!
In 1983, Mr. Meng joined the Taipei Municipal Zhong-Zheng Senior High School Band under the baton of Mr. Chang-Han Liang and Yun-Tsung Lee. As a flutist in band, Mr. Meng was selected to march in Taiwan’s National Day Parade twice, as well as winner of the National Music Competition. As a Theatre Arts major in Chinese Culture University, Mr. Meng showed a great deal of his artistic and creative side. His theater works include “Sweet & Sour Yam”, “Matter of People”, and “Searching for the End-of-Century Intellectuals”.
In 1986, Mr. Meng initiated the Shock Concert Band with other graduating members of his high school band. Since then, Shock Concert Band has given numerous concerts and performances for 30 years. As an active participant in community and education events, Mr. Meng also started the projects of “Music from Taiwan”, “Young Artists Outreach Program”, and “Shock Concert Band Scholarship”.
In 1995, Mr. Meng established his own company specializing in advertising and publicity. Over the years, Mr. Meng has served as the Theater Instructor for the Council of Cultural Affairs, television show producer, TV station vice-president, and Communication Supervisor of the Democratic Progressive Party. Currently, he is the Office Director of Yu Shyi-Kun (former premier of Executive Yuan), supervisor in Taiwan Management Institute, member of council in Taiwan Information Integration Association, and the General Secretary in World Taiwanese Chambers Union.
In 1983, Mr. Meng joined the Taipei Municipal Zhong-Zheng Senior High School Band under the baton of Mr. Chang-Han Liang and Yun-Tsung Lee. As a flutist in band, Mr. Meng was selected to march in Taiwan’s National Day Parade twice, as well as winner of the National Music Competition. As a Theatre Arts major in Chinese Culture University, Mr. Meng showed a great deal of his artistic and creative side. His theater works include “Sweet & Sour Yam”, “Matter of People”, and “Searching for the End-of-Century Intellectuals”.
In 1986, Mr. Meng initiated the Shock Concert Band with other graduating members of his high school band. Since then, Shock Concert Band has given numerous concerts and performances for 30 years. As an active participant in community and education events, Mr. Meng also started the projects of “Music from Taiwan”, “Young Artists Outreach Program”, and “Shock Concert Band Scholarship”.
In 1995, Mr. Meng established his own company specializing in advertising and publicity. Over the years, Mr. Meng has served as the Theater Instructor for the Council of Cultural Affairs, television show producer, TV station vice-president, and Communication Supervisor of the Democratic Progressive Party. Currently, he is the Office Director of Yu Shyi-Kun (former premier of Executive Yuan), supervisor in Taiwan Management Institute, member of council in Taiwan Information Integration Association, and the General Secretary in World Taiwanese Chambers Union.
樂團顧問兼首席指揮 李永聰 Lee Yung-Tsung, Principal Conductor & Advisor
任職於海軍樂隊時師事當時隊長梁振漢,學習樂團指揮技巧;曾參與多次國慶閱兵大典演出,並隨海軍敦睦艦隊出航,到海外各邦交國宣慰僑胞,同時兼任助理指揮一 職。退役後李永聰老師隨即投入管樂教育工作,先後擔任:豐年國小、北安國中、景文高中、新莊高中、中正高中等多所學校管樂隊,並於各年度音樂比賽中屢創佳 績。2005年團慶音樂會李永聰老師與梁振漢老師合作一同帶領團員們登上國家音樂廳的殿堂,次年更帶領著團員出訪馬來西亞巡迴演出並進行交流,獲致豐碩的 成果與馬來西亞崇正中學師生一致讚賞,成功的作了一次漂亮的國民外交。李永聰老師長久以來擔任專職的音樂行政工作,並獲聘為震撼管樂團顧問暨指揮,於公餘 時熱心指導團員,經常帶領樂團團員參與社區音樂會的演出。
Mr. Lee began his study of conducting during his service at the ROC Navy Band. As a member of the Navy Band, he performed numerous domestic and oversea concerts, including several National Day Military Parades. After completing his military service, Mr. Lee devoted his time to music education. He has not only taught schools in all levels, but also won many music competitions. In 2005, he and Maestro Cheng-Han Liang joined together and took Shock Concert Band to the stage of Taiwan National Concert Hall to celebrate its 20th Anniversary. Since then, he is committed to promoting the "Music from Taiwan" world tour project, and has led the band to many successful performances including concerts in Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Palau, Singapore, Indonesia, Sydney, India, Myanmar and Korea .
Mr. Lee began his study of conducting during his service at the ROC Navy Band. As a member of the Navy Band, he performed numerous domestic and oversea concerts, including several National Day Military Parades. After completing his military service, Mr. Lee devoted his time to music education. He has not only taught schools in all levels, but also won many music competitions. In 2005, he and Maestro Cheng-Han Liang joined together and took Shock Concert Band to the stage of Taiwan National Concert Hall to celebrate its 20th Anniversary. Since then, he is committed to promoting the "Music from Taiwan" world tour project, and has led the band to many successful performances including concerts in Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Palau, Singapore, Indonesia, Sydney, India, Myanmar and Korea .
音樂總監兼指揮 陳一夫 Chen I-Fu, Music Director & Conductor
出生於台北市,樂團指揮啟蒙於梁振漢老師,並於1999年台灣省立交響樂團主辦之「國際管樂指導者研習營」中,接受美國辛辛那提音樂院指揮研究所教授 Dr. Rodney Winther 及世界知名管樂指揮大師 Dr. Frederick Fennel 指導。曾於國內指揮研習營中多次受教於輔仁大學音樂系郭聯昌教授,及2004年實踐大學主辦之「齋藤指揮研習營」中,接受日本洗足大學指揮研究所川本 統脩教授之指導。2005年夏,參加由美國新英格蘭音樂院終生榮譽指揮、管樂大師 Dr. Frank battisti 來台所舉辦之指揮研習營,於台中、台北兩地學習,親身受教。先後於淡江大學管樂團、陽明大學愛杏管絃樂社附設管樂團、長庚大學管樂團擔任指導老師,目前為 台灣管樂團助理指揮,並獲聘為震撼管樂團音樂總監暨指揮。
藝術總監兼指揮 梁兆豐 Dr. Jeffrey Liang, Artistic Director & Conductor
十六歲起開始學習長號與指揮,先後畢業於紐約曼哈頓音樂學院與 耶魯大學音樂研究所,2000年以全額獎學金進入紐約州立大學石溪分校,2002年取得博士學位,為台灣第一位長號演奏博士。曾與 John Swallow、Per Brevig、Hal Janks 及 Michael Powell 等教授學習長號,並與耶魯大學交響樂團音樂總監 Shinik Hahm 及梁振漢老師學習指揮。指揮方面,梁兆豐自1999年起擔任紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團之音樂總監,除多次指揮該團於紐約林肯中心演出外,也經常帶團前往歐、 美、亞各地巡迴表演,2006年更受邀至奧地利【莫扎特音樂節】中指揮演出。與他合作過的音樂家包括有國際小提琴大師胡乃元、西雅圖交響樂團雙簧管演奏家 Winnie Lai、小號演奏家 James Del La Garza、爵士豎笛演奏家 Paul Effman、爵士薩克斯風家董舜文、小提琴家陳潔思、擊樂家汪雅婷、Grace Lin、以及鋼琴家林怡臻與丁心茹等。
美國知名作曲家 James Cohn 稱讚他的指揮:“清晰而不做作,讓樂團自然地展現出樂曲的魅力。”;指揮與編曲家 Michael Flamhaft 也讚許:“他是一位多元的指揮家,豐富的技巧與舞台經驗,讓他總是能贏得觀眾的心。” 此外,梁兆豐目前也受聘擔任震撼管樂團之藝術總監兼指揮,曾多次帶領該團參與外交部指導及補助之【讓世界聽見台灣的聲音】計畫至美、亞洲多國演出,發揚台灣本土音樂創作。
在長號演奏方面,梁兆豐曾於紐約各地先後舉行12場的個人獨奏會,也多次與紐約長島管樂團、紐約州立大學管弦樂團、石溪大學管樂團、震撼 管樂團、中正高中管樂團、長庚大學管樂團及陽明大學管樂團合作演出長號協奏曲。2002年8月,梁兆豐更受邀與花蓮聯合管樂團於台灣首演荷蘭作曲家約翰德 美的長號”丁骨”協奏曲 (Johan de Meij/ T-Bone Concerto)。 梁兆豐於2000年加入紐約大都會銅管五重奏 (Metropolitan Brass Quintet),並與該團三次登上卡內基音樂廳之舞臺,2008年加入紐約南岸銅管室內樂團 (South Shore Brass),目前為台灣耶魯室內樂團、台北市立交響樂團附屬管樂團、台北青年管樂團及台灣管樂團成員。梁兆豐的演出足跡遍及歐、美、亞洲各國,包括有捷 克、奧地利、美國、日本、韓國、新加坡、菲律賓、馬來西亞、泰國、台灣及中國大陸。
在指揮與演奏外,梁兆豐也熱衷於音樂教育,目前任教於國立嘉義大學音樂系、私立光仁小學音樂班與新店大豐國小管弦樂團 ; 此外,梁兆豐也曾於2008年受泰國皇家瑪西朵大學 (Mahidol University) 邀請擔任【東南亞青少年管弦樂研習營 Southeast Asian Youth Orchestra and Wind Ensemble 】之長號指導老師。
梁兆豐與鋼琴家林怡臻於2004年發行了個人的首張長號與鋼琴演奏專輯 - "古典情懷 In Love",其中收錄多首優美雋永的古典小品。
有關其他訊息,歡迎前往梁兆豐個人網站 www.JeffreyLiang.com
Conductor and trombonist Dr. Jeffrey Liang graduated from Manhattan School of Music, Yale University and State University of New York where he graduated as the first trombone doctor in Taiwan history. Dr. Liang is currently the Artistic Director of Shock Concert Band, Music Director of Chinese Youth Corps Orchestra of New York, and the Conductor of Taiwan Yale Ensemble. Over the years, Dr. Liang has performed and taught in many countries around the world, including Austria, Czech Republic, China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippine, Vietnam, United States, and Taiwan. In 2004, joined by pianist Joyce Lin, Dr. Liang released his first trombone solo album named “Classical IN LOVE”. For more information about Dr. Liang, please visit his personal website at www.JeffreyLiang.com
美國知名作曲家 James Cohn 稱讚他的指揮:“清晰而不做作,讓樂團自然地展現出樂曲的魅力。”;指揮與編曲家 Michael Flamhaft 也讚許:“他是一位多元的指揮家,豐富的技巧與舞台經驗,讓他總是能贏得觀眾的心。” 此外,梁兆豐目前也受聘擔任震撼管樂團之藝術總監兼指揮,曾多次帶領該團參與外交部指導及補助之【讓世界聽見台灣的聲音】計畫至美、亞洲多國演出,發揚台灣本土音樂創作。
在長號演奏方面,梁兆豐曾於紐約各地先後舉行12場的個人獨奏會,也多次與紐約長島管樂團、紐約州立大學管弦樂團、石溪大學管樂團、震撼 管樂團、中正高中管樂團、長庚大學管樂團及陽明大學管樂團合作演出長號協奏曲。2002年8月,梁兆豐更受邀與花蓮聯合管樂團於台灣首演荷蘭作曲家約翰德 美的長號”丁骨”協奏曲 (Johan de Meij/ T-Bone Concerto)。 梁兆豐於2000年加入紐約大都會銅管五重奏 (Metropolitan Brass Quintet),並與該團三次登上卡內基音樂廳之舞臺,2008年加入紐約南岸銅管室內樂團 (South Shore Brass),目前為台灣耶魯室內樂團、台北市立交響樂團附屬管樂團、台北青年管樂團及台灣管樂團成員。梁兆豐的演出足跡遍及歐、美、亞洲各國,包括有捷 克、奧地利、美國、日本、韓國、新加坡、菲律賓、馬來西亞、泰國、台灣及中國大陸。
在指揮與演奏外,梁兆豐也熱衷於音樂教育,目前任教於國立嘉義大學音樂系、私立光仁小學音樂班與新店大豐國小管弦樂團 ; 此外,梁兆豐也曾於2008年受泰國皇家瑪西朵大學 (Mahidol University) 邀請擔任【東南亞青少年管弦樂研習營 Southeast Asian Youth Orchestra and Wind Ensemble 】之長號指導老師。
梁兆豐與鋼琴家林怡臻於2004年發行了個人的首張長號與鋼琴演奏專輯 - "古典情懷 In Love",其中收錄多首優美雋永的古典小品。
有關其他訊息,歡迎前往梁兆豐個人網站 www.JeffreyLiang.com
Conductor and trombonist Dr. Jeffrey Liang graduated from Manhattan School of Music, Yale University and State University of New York where he graduated as the first trombone doctor in Taiwan history. Dr. Liang is currently the Artistic Director of Shock Concert Band, Music Director of Chinese Youth Corps Orchestra of New York, and the Conductor of Taiwan Yale Ensemble. Over the years, Dr. Liang has performed and taught in many countries around the world, including Austria, Czech Republic, China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippine, Vietnam, United States, and Taiwan. In 2004, joined by pianist Joyce Lin, Dr. Liang released his first trombone solo album named “Classical IN LOVE”. For more information about Dr. Liang, please visit his personal website at www.JeffreyLiang.com
助理指揮 吳松庭 WU SONG-TING, Assistant Conductor
1986年生於陶鄉 - 新北市鶯歌的藝術之家,自幼喜愛音樂,小學即參加管樂團開始學習上低音號演奏,並曾師事郭毓庭老師、梁兆豐老師學習演奏技巧,2002年考入臺北市立中正高中加入中正管樂後曾擔任社長,大學就讀於私立中原大學,並曾於中原大學管弦樂團擔任學生指揮,課餘並曾擔任幻響管樂團、樂濤管樂團、汲音交響管樂團、震撼管樂團...等樂團上低音號演奏員,2007年至今與多所學校演出共8首上低音號協奏曲,並分別於2008年、2009年、2011年於中原大學瑞麗堂舉辦三場個人獨奏會,並曾隨震撼管樂團巡演,出訪泰國、菲律賓、越南等國擔任演奏與指揮,並於2015年隨震撼管樂團巡演赴澳洲雪梨歌劇院演出。
1986年生於陶鄉 - 新北市鶯歌的藝術之家,自幼喜愛音樂,小學即參加管樂團開始學習上低音號演奏,並曾師事郭毓庭老師、梁兆豐老師學習演奏技巧,2002年考入臺北市立中正高中加入中正管樂後曾擔任社長,大學就讀於私立中原大學,並曾於中原大學管弦樂團擔任學生指揮,課餘並曾擔任幻響管樂團、樂濤管樂團、汲音交響管樂團、震撼管樂團...等樂團上低音號演奏員,2007年至今與多所學校演出共8首上低音號協奏曲,並分別於2008年、2009年、2011年於中原大學瑞麗堂舉辦三場個人獨奏會,並曾隨震撼管樂團巡演,出訪泰國、菲律賓、越南等國擔任演奏與指揮,並於2015年隨震撼管樂團巡演赴澳洲雪梨歌劇院演出。
震撼管樂團 台北市10355大同區承德路一段66號10樓 TEL: 02.2552.6177
Shock Concert Band Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved.
Shock Concert Band Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved.